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Monday Morning Blues

By the show of likes who suffers from this?

I have a few ideas on how to rid this forever.

Do you remember the Friday that felt like the best day at work you ever had. Maybe you set a record for top sales or opened a new region that set record sales. Maybe you had one of your direct supports promoted to the next level of their career path. Possibly created a solution for your company that doubled productivity. What was it that happened to you? Can you feel the energy? NOW how excited were you to come back Monday and walk around like you were invincible? Absolutely STRUTTING your stuff?? Thats what every Monday needs to feel like. Find a way to recreate that energy and OWN IT.

Take 15 Minutes:

I suggest early on Sunday morning to mentally or physically prepare for Monday. Many of us go to work loaded with thing to accomplish and we go in already feeling completely overwhelmed. After you mentally or physically get ready and you have walked through the anticipation of Monday you reduce your level of stress vs trying to avoid it until the 5:30am alarm goes off. Try it just once and let me know the results.

Connect or Create Solutions:

We have easy access to connect with so many people around the world. Take a few minutes while watching the NFL game to see who in your field of work could help you take your career to the next level. If you are in sales and in the hospitality market find restaurant groups to connect with to set up the momentum for Monday early. If you are in the operations side of the business think about the issues of last week and how you can improve on them. Connect with your peers and share ideas. THIS TAKES NO TIME AT ALL

Embrace Every Day:

We all seem to live for the weekends??? This is so wrong. You spend most of your awake hours in repetition everyday without much change. If you put your weekend creativity and stress free approach to the work week you will find more enjoyment. Make it enjoyable all the time. Find a way to spice it up and look forward to the week.

Make Every Second Count:

1/7th of our life is spent either hating or embracing Monday. You have the choice of either. Which way will you go? If 1/7th of my life is wasted because it takes me half the day to get it going shame on me. Together lets rise up and make the decision to embrace Monday with everything we have.

Until we meet again!


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